
Project Brief

Dairy Processing in South Africa: Prospects for increased participation of small and medium-sized enterprises

April 2020

Project Brief

Maize milling in South Africa: Prospects for increased participation of small and medium-sized enterprises

April 2020

Project Brief

Citrus in South Africa: Prospects for increased participation of small and medium-sized citrus producers

April 2020

Project Brief

Dairy Processing in Tanzania:

Prospects for SME Inclusion

April 2020

Project Brief

Citrus in Tanzania:

Prospects for SME Inclusion

April 2020

Project Brief

Maize processing in Tanzania: Prospects for SME Inclusion

June 2020

Project Brief

Covid-19 impacts on SME maize and dairy processors in South Africa

June 2020

Project Brief

Covid-19 impacts and opportunities in the citrus industry in South Africa

June 2020

Working Papers

Inclusive industrialisation in agro-processing: challenges faced by small and medium-sized dairy processors 

in South Africa (download)

Innovation and inclusion in South Africa's citrus industry (download)

Inclusive industrialisation in agro-processing: challenges faced by small and medium-sized maize processors 

in South Africa (download)

Innovation and inclusive industrialisation in agro-processing: the Tanzanian citrus value chain (download)

Innovation and inclusive industrialisation in agro-processing: Tanzanian dairy value chain (download)

Guest Project Brief

The Orange Industry in Brasil:

 Lukas Wegener, MSc BSc

January 2021

Guest Project Brief

The Orange Industry in Ghana:

Lukas Wegener, MSc BSc

January 2021